Monday, September 19, 2011

Project of September

This is YensRC latest project conducting in order to
improve model jet performance in anyway. Speed is
the objective of the study. Stability is behind the wing.
Its begining by reviewing the last Lightning jet. Considering a few factors, YensRC Work decide to use the same frame on this latest design. The new jet frame is highly upgrade to generate the constant laminar airflow air flow through jet body. Slightly in the end of jet frame is very thin structure from jet body to the wing tip. This improvement intend to minimise turbulence airflow which is generate huge drag force and furthermore effecting the speed of the aircraft.  The picture show some improvement to aerofoil design which is only 12mm on the wing shoulder and only 6mm thicness on
wing tip. (cont'd)

HD fpv Sunset Special

HD fpv "Sunset Special":